Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Graduation season is once again upon us in full force!!!!:)  I love the excitement, planning, and eager faces of the graduates as they complete one chapter of their life and embark on another.

Last year as I prepared to graduate I remember feeling some trepidation in the months leading up to the huge moment I would no longer be a student-but an adult:)  My brain was fighting a war with my heart and all I was ending up with was a sick stomach.  I felt like I was being pulled in two directions: One direction was to follow the paths of my friends and attend college the coming fall.
Or two: Work in the ministry while remaining at home.

Now, I had many people giving me advice and helping me come to a decision...but ultimately the decision was between me and the Lord.

About a month before my graduation I took a break from planning and just spent a day with my Dad going to different job sites for his work.  I was physically and mentally exhausted from trying to wrestle a concrete answer from the Lord, but as I sat in the passenger seat my Dad turned towards me and asked one simple question:  "Cassie, if I ask you to stay home, will you?"

It will be a year in June that I have graduated and made this decision.  I still feel at peace and am renewed every day by the Lord for making this decision.  By remaining at home I gave up something that could have been beneficial and life-altering- college is a big step.

However, since I remained at home I have received so many blessings that I wouldn't trade for anything!!  The lessons- however hard sometimes- have caused me to grow so much in the Lord!

He has taught me that in the storms of life, He is the only foundation I can cling to securely.

He has taught me that losing a loved one can either destroy you or strengthen you in your reliance and love for Him.

He has taught me that being content in an area means that I have become "settled" and I must stretch myself and get out of my comfort zone in order to be used more effectively for Him.

He has taught me that patience is waiting for His timing- not my own.

He has taught me that life is precious- and if you don't cherish it- you won't fight for it.

He has taught me that to love unconditionally means to look to His cross and hear the words "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."

He has taught me that I must guard my heart in every area, to remain focused and on fire for Him.

He has taught me that I must put on the armor of God every day- but realize that the armor of God has nothing shielding it from behind.  That's because I know God has my back.

He has taught me  that only what you wait for the longest you will cherish the most.

These lessons that I have listed are only a few that have impacted me so greatly!

The choice to stay home is one that will effect the course of my life- but since I am not the designer of my life,  I have the full assurance that God has the perfect plan already laid out and is actively steering me on it:)

1 comment:

  1. I am also a home-school graduate who is staying at home. It has definitely been a blessed time and like you said, it is a field in which we can learn MANY things!!

    ~Ana Renee
