Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day #4 of Thanksgiving

Every day of life is a blessing from the Lord, He has given us so much to thank Him for!  But sometimes it's easy to take for granted the little things in life, so I've compiled a "off the top of my head" list of things that I take for granted:

1. Every day someone one or all of my family is on the road driving, and each day the Lord has spread His safety net securely over us.
2. No matter how bad today feels, God promises a new day, a new morning, and promises that He intends to fulfill.
3. My family is my life.  The love and affection that exists in my family is something I cherish- I thank God for His grace in placing us together.
4. The priviledge of listening to God-honoring, conservative music in our generation is so huge in a Christian's walk with Christ!
5. My salvation is the thing I am most thankful for, the knowledge that God handpicked me for His family is so humbling and overwhelms me with love for Him!
6. The freedom I have to read God's Word is so precious!
7. I have been blessed with good health (besides the occasional common cold:)
8. The sacrifice of our troops in protecting our nation is something I need to think of more often, I sometimes forget that the reason I can still read my Bible and pray is because of the brave men and women in our service who made the choice to protect our country. May God continue to bring them safely home.
9. The influence writers have in our society today is huge, I thank God for the influence of Godly writers who pursue the path to teach truth and Godly principles.
10.  I am thankful to be a stay-at-home daughter and for the instruction my parents have given me in preparation for these years ahead.

So what are things that you take for granted every day? Simple things that don't cross your mind right when you wake up, but really should?  What are the first three things that come to the forefront of your mind?

God's promises are new every morning, so what has He blessed you with today?

God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. You are so precious. You have no idea how rare it is for a young lady such as yourself to hold such things dear. You must be putting a smile on our Father's face! Keep your eyes on Jesus and keep doing what you're doing!
