Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day #3 of Thanksgiving

It is the middle of the week and therefore I decided that my family should be in the middle as I also consider the word middle as the "balance point" the middle makes everything else stand straight and correct...and thus my family keeps me upright:)

I'll start out with my Dad, my Dad is the down to earth, country, Carhartt style, "I know how to fix everything without the instructions, just hand me a wrench" type of guy:) But he also knows his girls like the back of his hand.  He is our protector and comforter.  He is the one I like to curl up next to on the couch and simply sit there in silence, he loves his family and when he asks us what we think his passion is in life we all say the same thing- your family.

My Mom is the spunky southerner:) She's soft spoken with love that pours out in all directions to everyone.  She loves sharing her personal devotions with us every morning and then helping us apply it later in the day.  She loves researching things and finding answers, if there is ever a question in the house we go right to her, because even if she doesn't know it she's sure to have an answer for you in only a few minutes.:)

Stephen is my older brother, he's the brain in the family when it comes to school. He's also someone that always makes me laugh:) He loves sports, and being 6'8" some people immediately think of him loving basketball- but being that tall does make you a target on the court- so not so much competitvely, but more with friends and family:) He has a heart of gold and handsomer than any guy I've met:):)

Devin is my conscience, best friend, with true older sister traits of being protective and loyal.  Devin loves politics, history, family, and apologetics.  She loves being organized and organizing events.  She cares deeply about our country and the way God is treated in it. Her passion for human life is inspiring and I am certain she will touch the world someday.

I say all of this to ask you this question, can you imagine what your life story would be if you didn't have your family? If you didn't have the trials, blessings, and curveballs thrown your way during life, where would you be right now?

I can't imagine being placed in any other family.  When I was younger it was easy to think of my friends families as being "perfect".  But then I would return home and truly, "There is no place like home".:)

God constructs families to be a cornerstone in every generation, how we are raised and what we do impacts the next generation and the one after that and the one after that.  Each family in Christ's kingdom has an important role to play, no one is greater or less.  It's like a puzzle- you can't finish it until every piece is put in it's exact mold.  Christ has us in the families we are in for a reason, there is a bigger picture He hasn't shown us yet. It's our job to figure out what that is!

God Bless!

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