Friday, April 29, 2011

My Quiet Time

In my devotions yesterday I read about a missionary who is serving in China.  While serving there she had to learn the native language, and while she studied she made a surprising find.

The phrase ling xiu (leeng- SHE-oo) refers to a Christian's daily devotional time with the Lord.   

Ling means "spirit" or "soul".  Xiu means "to repair".  So it interprets:  Devotional= Spirit Repair.
How fitting it is!!

Our time with the Lord is to be spent learning and repairing what damage we have caused in His mold of our life.  The damage may come in the form of a harsh or impatient word; or it could be tolerating the worldly influence while being around your worldly friends.

During our quiet time with the King He attentively listens to our prayers and then fills in our damaged areas with forgiveness.  He then takes us with Him on a daily journey to teach us some of His ways and instruct us not to make the same mistake twice.  Put on the armor of God every morning, He can't help us if we insist on leaving parts of the armor off in order to follow some of sin's tempting ways.

Our quiet time with the Lord is so important, so precious!  It is a time that is set aside to simply talk and learn with our Lord.  How blessed we are to have this kind of access!!

I know for my part, if I do not have my devotional time in the morning - everyone in my family knows:)  My perspective, my focus, and my thoughts are not centered on Christ and how my every action is a reflection of Him.  I am focused on seeing only my way.
And it's amazing the different attitude that washes over me after I go back and spend time with Him!!

Before I start each day, 
there is a special place I love to go alone and seek my Savior's face:
I find wisdom in His word to instruct me in His will,
And I hear His gentle voice say, "My child, be still."

My quiet time alone gives me power to obey,
My quiet time alone with God each day.
I talk to Him in prayer; ev'ry day He meets me there,
My quiet time alone with God.

He's with me all the time, wherever I may go;
Each moment of the day,
He's always there I know.
But I need that special time when I bow before His throne,
Just to read His word and talk with my Lord alone.

My quiet time alone gives me power to obey,
My quiet time alone with God each day.
I talk to Him in prayer, ev'ry day He meets me there,
My quiet time alone with God.

Ron Hamilton
Have a blessed day with Him!!!

1 comment:

  1. I found the Chinese definition for "Devotional" very interesting and I totally agree with you: our quiet time is essential for daily living!

    The song by Ron Hamilton is one that I know well and love.

    Thank you for sharing this!
