Monday, April 11, 2011


This past weekend I had the joy of working at the WILDS by getting it ready for the summer camp season to start.  I had a vacuum strapped onto my back for most of the afternoon, but the buildings eventually began to show themselves under the dust and dirt of winter. :)

The weather was perfect: a brilliant sun that was warm with a slight breeze that didn't make it too hot to work hard.:)  God truly worked the weather out as earlier in the week it was reported that we were supposed to have showers.  But we had a clear sky and the warmth of the day made the joy of working with other Christians such a blessing!

I usually try and not do two posts in one day, but God had the blessing of this ministry on my heart, I strongly urge you to check out their site at "The Wilds" This camp is such a successful tool God is using to be instrumental in changing so many teens and adults lives.

The speakers that come during the summer challenge your walk with the Lord and enrich your life so deeply in His word.  My family loves attending the evening services during the week in the summer, its almost like drinking out of fire hose, but so rewarding and encouraging!

Have a good night!
God Bless!


  1. I really enjoyed reading your posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come on over to my blog and check it out. God Bless, Lloyd

  2. I will check out "the Wilds" website as you suggest to learn more.
    I write and maintain a spiritual blog which I have titled “AccordingtotheBook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.

  3. Thanks for sharing about this camp. I hope every visitor to your blog will take the time to visit the site you suggest, it's worth the visit. The pictures made it look so inviting. Just absolutely beautiful.

  4. The WILDS is such a great camp! I have had the opportunity to go to there for five summers! God spoke to my heart in a different way each time I went and the music is awesome! I'm glad you had the opportunity to work at their New England camp. I hope that I can work there one summer! :)

  5. Hi Caleb,

    I've never had the opportunity to visit their NC facility, (I assume this is the camp you attended:)but a lot of my friends have been able to go there and have always come back on fire for the Lord.:)

    I had the privilege of working at the NE WILDS a few times during their fall retreats last year. And you are right, the music is amazing! The acoustics in their chapel at the NE facility is wonderful, the entire building seems to be flooded with God's presence when everyone sings.:)

    I love their ministry, and the encouragement I received daily by talking with other believers and interacting with the speakers was such a blessing! Its so exciting to see God's hand at work!!

  6. Miss Northern Bell,

    I just checked out the website for The Wilds. My Uncle lives in Concord, so the campsite is actually close to his home. It is certainly a small world! By what you wrote in your post, it seems like The Wilds is a great opportunity for ministry.

    Quite a few years ago, I helped at a Christian camp here in Maine. Most of the buildings, with the exception of a few, were very old. During the winter, no one stays there, so there is always a lot of work to do in order to get them cleaned up and ready.

    Hope you have a great day,

  7. Hey Josh,

    Wow, it is a small world!:)

    The Wilds is also an old facility, but it is being refurbished as we speak:) However, it does have a staff that stays on top of some of the cleaning year round... so I can't imagine all the work you had to do at the Christian camp you helped at!!:)

    Have a good night!
