Monday, March 21, 2011

Hold onto your Heart

"They are perfect for each other." This phrase is often said with a smile and a sigh by any woman from the age of 13 to 90.
My thoughts on this phrase... I believe that it should only be said if this explanation follows it.  "They are perfect for each other, both waited and didn't date around in high school. Its amazing how they met at exactly the right time!"  Yes!!  At exactly the right time. Only God knows the perfect timing.  He has the entire meeting all set up.  Whether you met at 5 years of age or 30, the amazing plan God has set up is going to be breathtaking.  Imagine, with all the creativity He has at His fingertips. He rejoices in every child of His that waits for the right timing in a relationship so He can display his wonderful plan- but only if we wait for it.

I promised that there would be several sequels to the "Guard your Heart" post, here is one of them.  God has really been challenging me lately to be more on guard and watch my actions and speech.  Is everything I do glorifying Him and making my future spouse proud to know I'm his?

Many girls say that they are saving their heart for the right man and I applaud this!  However, it is one thing to make the commitment and say  you are saving your heart, its another to have a true conviction in your heart about the commitment.  The choices you make today with the opposite sex will effect you in the future, whether the attitude is positive or negative.

A heart that is truly guarded should have no "vacancies" found in it.  It shouldn't have voids or little openings that leave themselves exposed and feeling like they need to be sheltered by getting filled with selfish desires.  These selfish desires often go by the names "adoration" and "attention".  When you give your heart to God He asks for all of it.  He will fill every crevice and crack with love while paving the pathways of your heart with His grace and provision in every situation.

Girls, I know its nice to feel appreciated and liked by young men, but is it really fair if you encourage them without any intention of making long term plans around them?  You may not be breaking your commitment of keeping your heart safe- but what about theirs? You are responsible for guarding their hearts as well and vice versa for them.  If you are too young to actually be emotionally involved, but find yourself in this situation, just remember, it is much harder to remain emotionally pure and focus on the Lord when your eyes are focused on your inner turmoil.

God has designed us to give our hearts away! Our feelings and actions (as long as they are in line with God's set of rules) are normal, but we are not designed to share our heart with more than one of the opposite sex!  We are only to share it when the time is right, with the right person.  The heart is more than just the controller of emotions, it is the driving force of everything we do!

God didn't create five Eve's at the beginning of creation.
He created, one woman.
He didn't have Adam choose and date five other woman.
He created the perfect help-meet, Adam's missing half. 

I enjoy watching and writing about what I observe, and as I have seen young men and young women interact together I have come to this conclusion: Godly young men seek out sincerity and honesty in young women.  They admire young women who behave modestly and have a sweet temperament, a woman who does not give a false appearance about herself. The young men respect them.  These young women have sent a silent message that declares that they have a true heart of gold.  If sugary words and sweet smiles are the only display some girls show; you can see how the young men react and treat them differently.

We need to be careful with our words and actions when around the opposite sex, but by no means be stand-offish and unapproachable!  These actions are not Biblical.  Rather, be selfless and sensitive, be aware of your influence and balance it evenly, show genuine interest in those around you without a thought of yourself.  This attitude alone draws the light off of yourself and directly onto Christ.

I read a quote the other day on a sister blog that really made me begin to examine every one of my actions.  This quote is constantly at the forefront of my mind:

"If your future spouse could see you now, 
As you interact with members of the opposite sex, 
How would they feel? 
Would they feel hurt and jealous, 
Or adored and special?” 
-Eric and Leslie Ludy

Waiting for your future spouse in this generation seems like such a long time to wait! With instant relief, fast food, e-mailing, texting, you name it - we live in an age of immediate satisfaction.  But if you want the perfect will of God to be played out in your life, patience becomes the virtue of the hour!!:) In the meantime, we must watch ourselves, be preparing our heart and life for our future, and be in prayer for our future spouse.  They need it as much as we do! Consistently be watching your motives, are your actions going to effect the opposite sex in a good or bad way? Is it going to put a dent in their heart? Or is it going to encourage them to continue holding on to their hearts for the one God intends them to give it to?

Proverbs 4:23
"Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the wellspring of life."


  1. I also came across your blog through blog hopping. lol ;) I am so blessed that I found it. Seriously....I can tell God has convicted you of certain things and you hold true to those convictions! Praise God! We need more people who speak up about what they believe.
    I really enjoyed your post! So often it is easy to make a commitment in your head and not follow it out in your heart. Thanks for the great reminder!

  2. Thank you so much for the encouragement Stacie!!
    I was debating on whether or not to post this... God has really been teaching me a lot lately, so I took the step. You have really been a blessing!
    Thank you!
    God Bless!
