Friday, February 18, 2011

Royal Legacy

We are our parents legacy.
What an honor to be chosen and singled out for my family!  Every hour, and every moment of every day is deciding my place in eternity as I live up to the standards my parents have set for me.
I know I catch myself often looking in the mirror deciding which parent I look more like, my physical traits certainly prove I'm in the right family!:) My behavior, however, is not bound to my family.  What I chose to fill my time and mind with is a personal choice.

When I accepted Christ as my Savior at 4 years of age I was ushered into another family.  The Royal Family.  With this new ancestry came a divine and royal legacy. I was now an heir to my King!
 I became a princess, not one that held a sparkly scepter, or wore a glittering crown, or even wore the most elegant dress.  Rather, when I became Christ's princess I had to begin slowly at collecting my treasures.  The rare and precious jewels that define a princess do not only come with 14 carats or out of ruby mines.  My treasures changed my life for eternity, and the treasure hunt never stops.  You may have already guessed that I am speaking of attributes such as grace, love, acceptance, joy, and a humble spirit. Such treasures take a lifetime to obtain.  But they are well worth the adventure of seeking out and conquering!
I want to leave behind a heritage on earth of grace, assurance, and thankfulness that reflects the love of God in all I do.  To achieve this, however takes a lot of time- especially if you are me.

To reach the goal of conquering these attributes there must always come a trial that forces us to learn that lesson. I always seem to choose the long way to learn a lesson!

Some people I know seem to be born with a meek, gentle, and ladylike spirit.  They are courteous, gentle, and caring. I love being around them!!
But my own personality traits are far from being this way!  My love for excitement and fun can be healthy- but I struggle with being meek and quiet.  These are lessons that I am still learning. God is so patient with me!!
Although these lessons I am learning do not blend with my normal attitudes or expressions it does not mean that I should not go out and seek to achieve them.  I know several girls who have joyful, vibrant  personalities, they are like rays of sunshine on cloudy days to everyone they meet, but when it comes to being submissive and gentle its almost like trying to get a leopard to change her spots!!:)
These lessons are not meant to change your core personality, God gave me a spirit that loves being joyful and free . But having a quieter spirit in some situations may not necessarily change me, but it might influence someone watching me.  You never know how God is going to use your obedience to Him in the future.
No goal is unachievable when you are a part of the Royal family! For we are never alone at any time! God walks beside us every step of the way. He watches over his Princess's with extra care, He knows each of us so well that no matter what the situation He's already a step ahead of us. We simply need to take that step and hold His hand.

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