Friday, July 15, 2011

Life Verse

There are so many verses in the Bible!  How can you possibly choose one and claim it as your life verse???!!!  Many of my friends have several as it is indeed impossible to narrow down a favorite in the Word of God:)

However, I do get a few strange looks when I tell people what my life verse is- but I suppose it is only natural that there would be some surprise until I explain why I chose it:)

Isaiah 40:31  "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

But those who hope in the Lord...... I love how this verse begins- all who have their hope in Him He will uphold.  Hope is such a precious word, it holds so much and gives so much strength to those who realize what it means.   

Hope-a refuge and fulfillment of things dearest to you, it brightens a rainy day and gives strength to a weary soul.  And those who let it rest in the Lord will feel their feet securely anchored in His will.

Will renew their strength...... The renewal of strength when you are in a valley is so refreshing, it helps you suddenly realize that no mountain is too high to scale when you have your Lord holding you up.  Renew is another precious word in this passage.

Renew means to cleanse, refresh, and...well...feel strengthened!:)  To know it is the King of Kings who gives us this renewal makes it even more special!

They will soar on wings like eagles........ Eagles are such majestic birds, their elegance and courage is well known.  They are strong and beautiful, their very presence induces respect and awe.  As God holds you in his hand He will give you wings as eagles- of all animals to compare us to He chose the eagle.  The bird that carries itself aloft and soars to heights unknown, to soar on wings like eagles is such a special promise!

When an eagle is aloft I want you to imagine what it feels like: It's wings beat methodically and then still, allowing the air to gently sway and propel it forward.  The wind brushes against the feathers, but most of all I want you to realize the quietness.  There is not a sound to be heard.  God's voice is a "still small voice", He cannot speak to you when you have everything else roaring and playing around you- only in the stillness of a moment can He speak.

They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint...... Through all courses of life you will be running up and down hills and peaking mountains, falling into lush pastures and then walking a rocky road...but through all of this you will never grow weary or faint.  Why?  Because Christ strengthens your every move, as long as you don't walk in your own strength but rely entirely upon His strength to get you through.  There will never be a need to feel run down, because God holds you in the palm of His hand, and when things become hard He places you in the shadow of His hand to comfort and then, when the time is right, release once more onto your path.

This verse sustains me like no other, no matter what the trial, no matter what the decision or change of direction that comes my way, I have the knowledge that my King will always be in full and complete control.  He holds me up and challenges me to achieve the chance to soar like an eagle!  And when I walk the hard roads of life, I always know, my best friend is at my side.:)

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